Friday, December 7, 2007

Math Video

I understand that it's been "surf-controlled" on the school computers.
I checked Google videos and I found the same video but with a different URL, and this time it let me watch it. Here's the URL:


Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! 14x5=15... never thought of it that way!

Anonymous said...

Oops.. I meant 25 =D

Mr. Dooley said...

Let's not circumvent the Surf Control just to show a video on your blog. A better idea would be to copy the "Embed URL" so it can be shown in your blog (but only from home).

If we go around the Surf Control, then all of the video will go away!

Claire said...


I'm glad you enjoyed it . . . they do have some, er, interesting logic, don't they?

Claire said...

Quote: copy the "Embed URL" so it can be shown in your blog (but only from home).

Ok, but how do I do that?

Anonymous said...

funny math video

Claire said...

Thanks, and I don't know how to get rid of this post, so I guess the URL will stay until I figure out how, but I won't do the whole anti-surf control thing again.