Saturday, March 8, 2008

My opinion on all the "emo poser" crap that's going around these days

As posted on (I'm pasting the post here so I can still do a shout out to the people who live in a divided world due to cliques, social classes, and steryotypes without having to retype the whole thing).

Here's my opinion of emo (note: No offense to anyone here is intended; I have strong opinions and all the people here (edit: meaning on that roleplay site) are some of the most "real" I've ever talked to):

An emo kid, or goth, or scene, or whatever, isn't necessarily someone who cuts themselves or dyes their hair or dresses a certain way or whatever. Sure, there are "guidelines" for fitting in to a certain category or stereotype. But why does that all have to matter? I'm not a prep, and I don't want to be popular. That doesn't mean I have to wear black all the time or listen to one or two specific genres of music. It's it what's on the inside that counts, right? I sound like such a poser of a "peacemaker" saying that, but whatever. It sickens me that people see your appearance first when they look at you. Yeah, I've done it too. I sicken myself sometimes. But that's NOT what it's all about. I would know; last year, I was teased by someone popular because I didn't wear clothes from Abercrombie and Hollister. I tried it out and tried to fit in. I was a poser of a prep. But when I stepped inside those stores and felt like I didn't belong there, I realized that this was NOT the way to go. I mean, who cares if I wear clothes from the Gap or some place like that. And the music- I like heavy metal and that stuff. I'm no poser in that way, but I also like listening to poser bands, and some alternative. Heck, I've even got a Cascada track on my iPod (actually, the only thing I won't listen to is that hip-hop/dance crap that passes as alternative these days). If people are all like "look, I'm emo. Doesn't that rock? Look at all my new black clothes!" they're a poser. It's not about what everyone else thinks, for the last freaking time! I'm sick of it! Posers also pretend to be depressed; they'll be all like, "OMG! My life totally sucks!" when it really doesn't! My life does NOT suck, and I'm not about to say it does. Yes, I question whether I'm worth anything sometimes, but that defeats the purpose. I'm depressed because of the pressure upon my shoulders to be perfect, and all the popular girls that thinks it's cool to spread rumors about people like me because they have nothing better to do with their lame lives. Often I just want to forget about everything and lay in bed all day. And I'm tempted to cuss all the posers (and popular people) out all the time. Still, I've realized that it's not all bad. There are ways to vent my anger, and make things better. Sometimes I do it by swearing and discussing it with my friends. More often I do it by writing. Yes, there's always a way to make it better. For some people it's cutting themselves (and I respect that decision of yours, Shimmerz(edit: Shimmerz is a member of the roleplay site who has turned emo). I believe you're a real emo), but for those who are just pretending, STOP IT! It's not the right way to go! I guess what I'm trying to say is that social stuff doesn't matter as long as you're being yourself. Darn those posers! What they don't realize is that they'd probably be happier if they just went their own way. I was a poser for just about all of last year, but now I do my best to stay away from that path. I've learned from my mistakes. I'M A DARK NERD AND PROUD OF IT!!!! HA!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

look at this emo hair at this blog