Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A cool quote to think about (and, of course, some other stuff)

"A true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost.
A true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed.
Since beginningless time darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light."

This quote was said in part I or II (out of IV) in the finale of the Avatar: The Last Airbender TV show (which, sadly, is over) by a lion turtle. I'm posting it here because it's something inspiring that I can really think about, and perhaps it will do the same for you, whoever you are. Do you have a true mind? Do you have a true heart? I think this quote means that if you build your life on a strong foundation of faith, loyalty, and kindness, you will be able to stand strong through whatever the world throws at you (just like the Earthbenders on Avatar). The darkness will always be there, and it will always be present in your life, and one can embrace their fears and personal darkness and overcome them if they have a true heart. Those who are true to themselves and ignore the bitterness and hatred of today's society won't fall, and will stay strong, even if they are outcasted for their differences. This quote strongly relates to all of us, in some way.

So, the summer is officially over, which is quite unfortunate. School (and sleepless nights) have made their unwelcome return, and that can't be changed, so let us embrace our previous schedules that we abandoned for the freedom that summer brought, the freedom that has been cruelly taken from us by the dictatorship that is school. I'll be posting more now, since I'm no longer on vacation and away from the computer; I no longer have anything better to do. Some highlights of my extinct summer are:
  • Family vacation in Michigan
  • Volunteering as a counselor at Camp Foxtail, a Girl Scout resident camp on Mt. Charleston
  • Going on a two week Girl Scout trip across Nevada and California
  • Sleeping!

Anyone who wants pictures or anything can just email me at or

Sites to visit: Donate rice to needy people by merely answering vocabulary questions! Embrace your inner darkness with this goth version of Myspace! My username is eccentricromantigoth. Twilighters, the Lexicon has recovered from being hacked and is providing Breaking Dawn reviews and information about the upcoming movie!

1 comment:

Claire said...

Cool, I certainly will. It sounds like a nice site.